February 11, 2025
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Documents Preparation Assistance
PSU Portfolio Preparation, Printing and Shipping Assistance
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Documents Preparation Assistance

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We are delighted to announce that we are extending assistance to ETEEAP applicants who need help in their document preparation for the ETEEAP schools of their choice.

This is beneficial for you in the following aspects:

  1. Saves time in producing the right documents.
  2. Protect your original documents from getting lost.
  3. Saves money and time on securing and printing unnecessary documents.
  4. Saves time and money on shipping your documents.
  5. Assurance that all required documents are submitted, and you are given proper advice on what to submit as well as those you still need to submit.
  6. Eliminates submission of hard copies of your documents on the initial stage of your application.

Please note: Notarization of your documents (where the school needs some documents be notarized) is not part of these services. You may submit your documents for the purpose of organizing them and for the initial submission to the school (pre-evaluation). If they require notarized documents, that’s the time you can have them notarized and resend the whole set with the notarized versions.

Before you move on, please read the following:

Accountability release: We would like to emphasize that this offer is not sanctioned by any ETEEAP school. It is our own project. We just want to clear the school of any responsibility.

Additionally, this does not guarantee your automatic enrollment with the school you are intending to send your documents. This is just one process of your application, and the rest of the procedure still depends on you and the school of your choice.

Now let’s go back to the services that we are offering.

Here is the procedure:

  1. A fee of PHP 2,000.00 is required for these services. This is paid upon confirmation that you want to avail of our services. If you are interested:

    a) You can send your message to this Facebook page (Please click/tap on the link):
    ETEEAP Application and Enrollment Assistance

    ….. or …..

    b) You can send an email to this address: [email protected]

    Payment is through G-Cash or bank transfer to a BDO account.

    Important: Please fill up the Applicant Declaration Form below to signify your acceptance and agreement with the terms and conditions of these services.
  2. After payment, we will start the process of assisting you in your documents preparation. We will guide you through our email thread, Facebook page chat or/and the forms you will be filling out.
  3. Either you pass or fail the pre-evaluation, the school will inform you. The process of submission of the documents will be your own arrangement with the school.
  4. Also you need to create an email account with GMAIL (if you don’t have one yet) as this is needed in the whole process of your document preparation. You will also need this email account when sharing documents on Google Drive with us and with the school you will be enrolling at.


  1. Before we start with the assistance, you need to fill out the Applicant Declaration Form below.
  2. Pay the corresponding service fee and follow the guidance of the from below. All instructions and payment details are in the form as you answer each question.
  3. Then contact us through the email in the form to start the process.

Applicant Declaration Form

If you agree with the above terms and conditions, please open and carefully follow the instructions in the form on the link below. After completion of the form and notifying us, you will be directed to another form that will guide you through the whole process of preparing your requirements.

ETEEAP-DPA Applicant’s Declaration Form

Thank you for trusting us. Please be assured that we will provide you the best services you deserve.

For questions and needed clarifications, please go to our comments page here.
Please click/tap here to our comments page.

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PSU Portfolio Preparation, Printing and Shipping Assistance

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We are delighted to announce that we made an arrangement with the PSU-Asingan ETEEAP focal person to provide assistance to those who wish to enroll at their campus. Also in January 2025, we extended these services to enrolled students who need assistance in printing ang shipping their modules for submission to the PSU campus.

With the above situation, we had to setup an arrangement to help their interested applicants and enrollees who cannot print their documents, as well as shipping them to PSU is a complicated and expensive process for them. These services will benefit OFWs and other local applicants who have no printing facilities and where shipping documents to PSU may take longer, pose the risk of loss along the way as well as other factors.

The said arrangement can help you in the following aspects:

  • Saves time in printing your documents.
  • Protect your original documents from getting lost as you don’t need to submit them.
  • Saves money and time on notarization of your documents. PSU does not require notarization of documents.
  • Saves time and money on shipping your documents.
  • Assurance that all required documents are submitted, and you are given proper advice on what to submit as well as those you still need to submit.
  • Eliminates submission of hard copies of your documents as you will only send the soft or electronic copies.

Before you move on, please read the following:

Accountability release:

First, we would like to repeat that this proposal and offer is not sanctioned by PSU or any other school that we made agreement with. It is our own project. Although PSU allowed us to come up with these services, they are not in any way partner with us and we want to clear them of any responsibility from problems arising with the arrangement with our clients.

Second, this does not guarantee your automatic enrollment with PSU, or other schools we are (or will be) working with, nor will entitle you advantage over other applicants. This is just one process of your application, and the rest of the procedure still depends on you.

Third, there are two other ways to submit your documents to PSU:

  • First, personally deliver the printed documents in a clear book to PSU (Walk-in).
  • Second, ship the folder to PSU via DHL/FedEx/LBC/JRS/J&T or other forwarding companies.
  • If these two do not work, or are inconvenient, for you then the third option may work, which is to avail of our document printing and shipping services for PSU applicants.
  • Please read on for the procedure.

Now let’s go back to the services that we are offering.

Here is the procedure:

  1. A fee of PHP 2,000.00 if you are based in the Philippines and/or working as domestic helpers and caregivers overseas, and 3,000.00 if you are overseas based workers in other fields, is required for these services. This is paid upon confirmation that you want to avail of our services. Please see additional procedure below. This fees cover organizing submitted documents into a portfolio through the procedure described in the declaration and guide forms. It is assumed that the applicants are knowledgeable in preparing their documents and no further assistance should be provided for them, except the actual printing, binding and shipping. If this is not the case, then number 2 should apply and be added to the above-mentioned fees.
  2. The applicants should already be familiar with this, and are supposed to be skilled in these areas being employed and had gone through the process previously. But if they still need additional assistance on preparing their application letter, application form, DFR, CV and other relevant documents (these are called Non-Institutional DocumentsNID) other than those provided by their employers and other institutions related to their trainings, awards and other degrees (we do not produce fake certificates and credentials, nor alter those acquired from legitimate institutions), then an assistance fee of PHP2,000.00 will be added to number 1. This is to ensure that someone will be assigned to dedicate time in assisting the applicant’s preparation of the above-mentioned and other documents, as well as guidance in organizing and completing their requirements. This is paid separately upon confirmation that you want to avail of this added services. Again, we encourage you to prepare these documents yourselves as it has a bearing on your qualifications and skills.

    Important (Please read these first):
    a) Please fill out the Applicant Declaration Form below to signify your acceptance and agreement with the terms and conditions of these services. You will also find the instruction on how you will pay the service fee in that form.
    b) Please do a re-check if your work experience or background is properly aligned to PSU’s offered degrees under the ETEEAP (You can see their offered degrees along with the requirements below). If you realize that this is not the case after your payment has been made and you request for a refund, we will only send 50% back to you within 3 days from the date of your payment. Beyond that, your application will be added to the dormant applicants who are allowed to request for re-evaluation without any additional fees within one year. After one year, the payment will be forfeited. This is to ensure that you really understood the whole system before you process your application.
    c) If your experience is aligned with PSU’s program and after payment you decide not to continue for any reason, we will not refund but your application will be put on hold or pending until you are ready to continue. After one year, the fee will be forfeited.
  3. After payment, please send the confirmation slip to this email address: [email protected]
    We will provide another link to a form which will guide you throughout the whole process of submitting all your documents electronically for pre-evaluation. We will then print your documents, organize, bind and forward them to PSU if they are complete, otherwise we will advise you on any lacking documents/requirements.

    Please note: You are given two weeks to complete the Document Submission Guide form and upload your documents to Google Drive as instructed in the form from the time it was shared with you. If such was not accomplished during the said period. You may request for an extension on this time limit, otherwise your payment will be considered dormant and inactive and the fee cannot be refunded. In such case, you can resume your application by sending us message if you are ready to proceed again. No additional fee will be required when you resume.
  4. Either you pass or fail the pre-evaluation, we (or PSU) will inform you.
    Please note, however, that we cannot control and cannot provide timeline on how long the pre-evaluation will take, as this is dependent on the current activities of the school. It may take between three weeks and three months to know the result.

    Here are the conditions on either scenario:

    If you pass the pre-evaluation, you will be informed by either PSU or us and further instructions will be provided on the next step you need to take at your end to complete your enrollment.
    If you fail the pre-evaluation, we will advice you if you only need to submit additional requirements and help you how to avail of them to achieve the required score you need.
  5. If at this time you fail but eventually want to apply for re-evaluation after securing additional requirements, we will accommodate you and you will only be required to pay 50% of the above-described fees.

Applicant Declaration Form

If you agree with the above terms and conditions, please open and carefully follow the instructions in the form on the link below. Please click/tap on the link below.

If you want to see the requirements and documents you need to prepare, please scroll down. You will also see the current programs offered by PSU under the ETEEAP. Then you can come back and complete the declaration form to start processing your application.

PSU Assistance Applicant’s Declaration Form

  • Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSED)
    Major in:
    • Mathematics
    • Science
    • English
    • Filipino
    • Social Studies
    • TLE
  • Bachelor of Education
    Major in:
    • Elementary Education
    • Enhanced General Education (for younger learners)
  • Bachelor of Industrial Technology
    Major in:
    • Mechanical Technology (For factory machinists and drivers)
    • Automotive Technology (For machinists and drivers)
    • Electronics Technology (Covers electronics, computer technology, communication systems and those in semiconductor companies)
    • Electrical Technology (For electricians and electrical technicians)
    • Food Service Management (For those who work in restaurants, resorts, canteens, food preparation, catering etc.)
    • Garments and Fashion Design (Garments factory workers and tailoring/sewing shop owners)
    • Civil Technology (For carpentry and civil maintenance work background)
    • Drafting Technology (For those who work as draftsmen in the engineering field)

New programs to be added soon:

The list below will be added to the university’s list of offered programs after CHED’s final deputization process.

  • Bachelor of Science in Criminology (BSCrim)
  • Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management (BSHM)
  • Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT)
  • Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA)
    Major in:
    • Operations Management
    • Financial Management

Here is the list of requirements you need to prepare:

  • Application Letter (Sample herehttps://eteeap.org/appltr)
  • Filled out and signed application form (Download herehttps://eteeap.org/appform)
  • Detailed CV or resume (Sample herehttps://eteeap.org/cv)
  • Birth certificate (Proof of your citizenship)
  • ID (Passport, Driver’s license, etc.) Driver’s license earns some points.
  • For female applicants (Surname discrepancy proof – Marriage certificate, etc.)
  • High school documents (Diploma, form137/138, Confirmation letter)
  • College degree certificate and OTR/TOR and confirmation letter (If applicable)
  • Other degree certificates and OTR/TOR and certificate/diploma (If applicable and available)
  • COE of all relevant employees (Sample herehttps://eteeap.org/coe)
  • Recommendation letter from employer
  • DFR of all relevant employees if details were not provided on the COE
    (Sample herehttps://eteeap.org/dfr). If not available your contract and email confirmation of your employment.
  • OFW documents/contracts/visa/employment certificates. These items can earn evaluation points if they contain specific or detailed information of your work.
  • Informal training certificates (TESDA, LinkedIn, Google, Microsoft, Udemy, TES, etc.)
  • Training/Seminar certificates provided or sponsored by your employer
  • Training/Seminars that you organized, participated and/or conducted.
  • Commendation and awards at work and from other activities you had participated
  • Certificates and other proofs on involvement in community services such as rescue, frontliner, emergency assistance, calamity response, first response and other similar activities (Voluntary, NGO, Church organized)
  • Club, association or other similar memberships (Local community, national or international scope)
  • Other licenses (Driver’s, Civil Service Eligibility, PRC, Sub-professional level licenses, etc.)

Note: 1 year in addition to the minimum 5 years work experience in the field you want to apply for ETEEAP earns one point. Maximum of 20 points in this specific area.

If you want to learn more about PSU and their program you may visit their page on this link: https://eteeap.org/psu

For questions and needed clarifications, please go to our comments page here.
Please click/tap here to our comments page.

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