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ETEEAP Quick Enrollment Guide


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Common Questions About ETEEAP

Here are some of the questions that were posted by our visitors as well as questions about ETEEAP in different forums.

  • Are there schools that offer ETEEAP near my workplace or home?
    The location of the schools that offer their programs through the ETEEAP does not matter especially now that almost all of them have adopted online delivery and transactions. What is more important is the school’s agility to adapt to the new normal and how quick they are in replying to students’ inquiries, processing applications and enrollments, delivery and processing of lessons and work evaluations, and being responsive to the needs of their clients. We suggest that applicants send their inquiries to different schools and continue transacting with the ones who are more receptive and accommodating.
  • If I have six years experiences in the same field but two years each with three different companies, do I qualify?
    Yes, that is what aggregate means. You just need certifications and DFRs from each as evidence of your proficiency.
  • How much does it cost to enroll through the ETEEAP?
    There is no specific answer to that. Check with the schools on how much the cost of a four or five year bachelor’s program, or a three-year master’s program is. Then estimate how much CLCs your credentials can earn which will be deducted to the full amount. For a sample computation, you can check one student’s enrollment in one of our featured schools here.

Any other questions about ETEEAP can be sent to us through the comment section below and we will discuss and add them here as they come for others to benefit.

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11 thoughts on “ETEEAP FAQ

  1. Agnes Ortega says:

    if I graduated an associate degree, and worked for more than 10years, I am still eligible to take on eteeap?

  2. Good day! Am I qualified for this if I previously worked in an online teaching company for three years, then I am currently working as an Assistant English Teacher (classroom set-up) for 1 year? I also have 2 trimesters of courses under the Bachelor of Education program of University of the Philippine Open University. Or, do I still need to finish 1 more year of teaching experience? Thank you so much.

    1. Hello,

      Your case will be evaluated by the school where you apply for enrollment. Usually, any unit you have taken up are added to those covered by your work experiences and are considered complete. Try to inquire from at least three schools or more. CLSU offers bachelors degree in education online during this pandemic with tuition privileges to qualifying students.

      Here is the link: https://eteeap.org/clsu

  3. Hi! Admin just would like to inquire if the Diploma earned from eteeap program can be use to submit for educational credential assessment (ECA) at canada and apply for immigrant. Thank you!

  4. I am a 3rd Year Undergrad of BSEd and have been working in a BPO industry for more than 6 yrs. Can I shift my course into MassComm or required to finish what I have already started? Thank you!

  5. Can I apply for another ETEEAP program, after I graduated from the previous ETEEAP course? Can I use the documents that I have submitted in previous school for another course in other institution?

    Example: If I graduated Architecture thru ETEEAP program, and want to pursue another related course like Interior, Graphics Design, etc. thru aforementioned program.

  6. Kent Vincent Bonganay says:

    Can I enroll to schools with eteeap even thou I only have 2yrs work experience and counting since I am currently working right now at a manufacturing company, I can’t stop working and study bcuz I’m the only source of income of our family. I’m the eldest. I’m an undergraduate of Business administration major in financial management,
    I saw this eteeap program just recently and I am eager to enroll. I desperately want to enroll. Someone answer me please

    1. ETEEAP is a five-year work experience based degree awarding program. If you don’t have that yet, then you have to wait until you complete the most basic requirement, or enroll in regular programs.

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