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Testimonies from different YouTube channels

This contains the list of testimonies from different YouTube channel links that we produced, or from our readers and members. We have setup this exclusive page for you. Please feel free to inform us if you have something to share that we can advertise both your testimony and your channel. We can also arrange an interview with those who want to share their ETEEAP journey as well as with school ETEEAP administrators who want to help disseminate helpful information about this program, and how they implement the system in their institutions.

Interview with CHED chairman Prospero de Vera on CNN about ETEEAP.


Jeanne Rivero (PSU-Bachelor of Education)

Jeanne Rivero (PSU-Bachelor of Education)

From Jeanne Rivero’s YouTube channel. Thanks a million times Mam Jeanne for featuring our website and allowing us to use your video. You can watch the video on her YouTube channel here.

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